Terms of Sales

1. about the site www.legramme.com

the site is published by le gramme, a simplified joint stock company registered in the Paris trade and companies register under number 789 713 823, whose head office is located at 21 rue de Marignan 75008 Paris (France) and represented by its president Mr. erwan le louër (“ the gram ”).

the general terms and conditions apply to any use of the site and to any order made from the site. they are communicated to customers when placing an order and are available to users at any time from the site.

Users acknowledge having read and understood the T&Cs and hereby agree to be bound by them. the General Terms and Conditions take precedence over all other contractual documents issued by users.

le gramme reserves the right at its sole discretion to modify the general terms and conditions at any time by publishing a notice on the site or by sending a notice to users by email. Users are responsible for reviewing modified T&Cs and must familiarize themselves with such modifications. any consultation of the site or any order subsequent to such notification of modification of the T&Cs constitutes acceptance of the new T&Cs by the user.

2. definitions

CGV designate these general conditions of sale detailing the conditions of use of the site and the terms of placing orders;

customer means any natural or legal person having a valid account or placing one or more orders on the site with or without an account;

order means the customer's firm order for the acquisition of one or more products available on the site. creating an account is not necessary to place an order;

account means a valid account of a user allowing in particular the placing of orders and access to their order history;

content designates the content (texts, sounds, videos) put online on the site by the gram and belonging to it;

personal data means any personal data relating to a natural person allowing their identification;

confidentiality policy means the document established by the gram presenting its processing of users' personal data and defining their corresponding rights ;

products designate jewelry items and more generally, products offered for sale by the gram via the site. all products offered for sale on the site are new;

site means the le gramme e-boutique accessible at the address www.legramme.com from which users can place an order;

user means any person, whether a customer or not, who consults the site.

3. registration on the site & placing an order

orders are made from the site.

3.1. creating an account or accessing the account

To place an order, the user can create an account or directly choose the products that will complete their basket.

if he creates an account, the customer will receive an email from le gramme confirming his registration and reminding him of his identifier.

if the customer already has an account, he will simply need to identify himself using his password. Customer passwords are strictly personal and confidential. customers should not share it with other people. customers are responsible for the loss or theft of their password if it is proven that they have committed a fault which is attributable to them. in this case, customers must inform the gram without delay.

For more information regarding the personal data processed by Le Gram, the customer is invited to consult the confidentiality policy .

le gramme reserves the right to modify the nature of the personal data necessary for the creation of an account or to maintain the validity of an account.

3.2. selection of products and addition of products to the basket of the customer with or without an account

the customer will be able to select the products of his choice provided that they are available for sale online and the desired quantity subject to acceptance of the gram.

the total price excluding taxes and the total price including taxes will be displayed on the site. the customer can consult the delivery costs, delivery times and return conditions in the “delivery and returns” menu.

To add a product to their basket, the customer must:

  • click on the “choose” button;
  • choose the desired size and any customization requested;
  • click on the “add to cart” button.

the customer can complete the order by making payment or continue shopping from the site.

3.3. payment to complete the order

before finalizing the order and paying, the customer is directed to a page on the site allowing him to consult the details of the selected products which he can modify.

before making payment, the customer must provide billing information and delivery information and choose the shipping methods showing possible delivery costs.

the customer will be informed of the estimated delivery time of the products.

before payment, the customer will be able to check their order and must validate the general terms and conditions.

payment for the products can be made by any means of payment offered via the site, in particular by credit card and by Paypal.

the order will only be processed by le gram once payment has been made by the customer.

3.4. acknowledgment of receipt of the order and confirmation by the order gram

after placing the order, the customer will receive by email an acknowledgment of receipt of their order including the order number. acknowledgment of receipt does not constitute acceptance of the order.

once the order is accepted, le gram will send the customer a confirmation of the order by email.

3.5. delivery of products

the products will be delivered to the address provided by the customer or to the showroom of the gram following the customer's choice.

4. purchase conditions & customer guarantees

to place an order, the customer, if he is a natural person, must be an adult (or failing that, carry out the order with his legal representatives) and be legally capable of entering into a contract.

if the order is placed on behalf of a legal entity, the customer declares and guarantees that it is authorized to place the order on its behalf.

the customer guarantees that the products will not be delivered, sold and distributed for commercial purposes.

any order made in violation of this article will be null and void.

by validating an order, the customer submits to the gram an offer to purchase the products placed in their basket. le gramme reserves the right to refuse, cancel and terminate orders at any time if the circumstances make it legitimate, in particular in the event of violation of the general terms and conditions or attempted fraud.

5. information on products & availability of products offered on the site

the products offered for sale are those which appear in the collections accessible on the site and which can be ordered, unless exceptionally unavailable.

le gramme reserves the right to occasionally limit the quantity of products that may be ordered by a customer in the same order.

The photographs of the products are communicated for illustrative purposes and have no contractual nature.

the user is invited to consult the description of each product to find out its essential characteristics. the products include the different hallmarks used to certify the quality of the metals used by the gram.

in the event of exceptional unavailability of the ordered product, le gramme will inform the customer as soon as possible and the customer may modify their choice or cancel the order. in all cases, le gram will offer to provide the customer with a product of equivalent quality and price.

6. product prices & delivery costs

the products will be invoiced on the basis of the price in effect at the time of confirmation of the order.

prices are as follows:

  • euros, net, all taxes included, on the basis of the prices communicated to users for deliveries in metropolitan France (including Corsica) and in all countries of the European Union, except for the United Kingdom, where the prices are are understood in pounds sterling;
  • dollars, net, all taxes included, based on the rates communicated to users for deliveries to the United States and Hong Kong.

Packaging and shipping costs can be viewed by users on the product pages and will be communicated to the customer before the order is validated.

under no circumstances will the prices appearing on the site when placing an order bind the gram for future orders. Product prices may be modified at any time by Le Gram, without notice and unless there is a current order.

7. payment of products & invoicing

the customer must pay their order in full by credit card through the technical service provider stripe, by paypal or by any means that will be offered and accepted by le gramme.

To make the payment, the customer will provide their payment details via stripe, the technical service provider responsible for online payment processing. Transactions made by bank card are secure.

in the event of refusal to authorize the payment, the customer must directly contact the issuer of the payment card responsible for such refusal.

all invoices are dated on the day the order is placed. the invoice is sent by email to the customer and a copy will be inserted in the package containing the products. the customer will have access to all of their invoices from the site for a specific period.

8. accessory services offered by le gramme when ordering: personalization of products and gift packaging

When ordering, the customer can choose to personalize certain products by selecting the “engraving” option provided that this is offered by the gram.

Personalization of a product by “engraving” is only possible before ordering and can only concern products manufactured by le gramme.

the customer is solely responsible for choosing the terms which he requests to be engraved on the product, knowing that any engraving has a limited number of characters.

When the customer has requested “engraving” personalization, this option appears in the order summary.

the customer is informed that the “engraving” personalization of a product may have consequences on the delivery time, which he expressly accepts.

except for lack of conformity or manufacturing defect of the products and in accordance with article l.121-21-8 3° of the Consumer Code, personalized products cannot be returned for exchange or refund, this which the customer expressly accepts.

at the customer's request, le gramme can send the product(s) in gift packaging.

9. Order Shipping & Order Delivery

the products will be delivered to the delivery address provided by the customer when ordering, unless the customer has chosen to collect the product from the le gramme showroom located 21, rue de marignan 75008 paris. le gram reserves the choice of carrier.

unless otherwise stated on the site, le gramme can ship products to the following countries: mainland France (including Corsica), all countries of the European Union, Switzerland, the United States, Hong Kong, Canada, Mexico, Chile, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Macau, Australia, Israel, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Arabia saudi, bahrain, kuwait and qatar.

delivery times are displayed on the site: unless otherwise stated, delivery times:

  • vary between one (1) to two (2) working days excluding public holidays after the order, for deliveries in mainland France (including Corsica) and in European Union countries;
  • vary between two (2) to five (5) working days excluding public holidays after the order, for deliveries to the United States and Hong Kong (subject to customs-related delays);
  • are fifteen (15) working days excluding public holidays after the order, for personalized products delivered in mainland France (including Corsica), in the countries of the European Union, in the United States and in Hong Kong (under reservation of delay linked to customs).

for any order in mainland France (including Corsica) or in one of the countries of the European Union, the delivery costs of the products are offered by le gramme, which reserves the right to modify the amount of the delivery costs and to pass them on to customers, except for orders in progress which have been confirmed by the gram.

for all orders in the United States and Hong Kong, delivery costs will be the responsibility of the customer and, unless otherwise stated on the site, will amount per order to thirty (30) euros for the United States or thirty- five (35) euros for Hong Kong. The delivery price does not include any customs duties or import taxes which the customer must pay when collecting their package.

in the event of delivery outside mainland France, customs duties or other local taxes may be required, which are the responsibility of the customer exclusively and are his entire responsibility, in particular for declaration and payment. the customer is invited to inquire with his local authorities prior to ordering.

delivery will be deemed to have been made upon receipt of the order by the customer or the recipient of their choice. it is his responsibility to check upon receipt that the products have not been damaged during transport and to immediately notify the gram if this is the case.

the customer already accepts that the supporting documents from the deliverers and/or carriers will be taken as proof of delivery of the orders.

le gram will be exonerated from all or part of its liability for any delay or lack of performance by providing proof that it is attributable either to the customer, or to the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party to the contract, or to a case of force majeure as provided for in article l.121-19-4 of the Consumer Code.

10. right of withdrawal for non-professional customers

in accordance with the legal provisions in force, the non-professional customer benefits from a right of withdrawal which he can exercise without having to justify a reason within fourteen (14) days from receipt of the products, except when They were personalized at the customer's request.

if the order concerns several products, the withdrawal period starts from receipt of the last product.

to exercise the right of withdrawal, the customer must return the withdrawal form reproduced below or a written declaration unambiguously expressing his desire to withdraw to le gram at the following address: le gramme retractation service 21, rue de marignan 75008 Paris, France).

the products must be returned by the customer within fourteen (14) days following communication of their decision to withdraw.

in the event of exercising the right of withdrawal within the aforementioned period, and in accordance with the provisions of article l121-20-1 of the Consumer Code, the amount of the order as well as any delivery costs will be reimbursed to the customer.

return costs will be borne:

  • for orders placed and received in mainland France (including Corsica) or in one of the countries of the European Union: by the gram which will send, after having been informed of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, to the customer the information allowing the return of products; Or
  • for orders placed and received in the United States and Hong Kong: by the customer who will inform gram of the exercise of the right of withdrawal so that gram transmits the information allowing the return of the products. any customs fees that may be applied are the responsibility of the customer.

the products must be returned to the following address: le gramme 21, rue de marignan 75008 paris in perfect condition for resale (unworn, undamaged, undamaged or soiled), in their original packaging, accompanied by the certificate of authenticity, any accessories (except gift packaging) and a copy of the invoice.

if the return is accepted after checking the condition of the products, the reimbursement will be made by le gramme by the same means of payment as that used by the customer at the latest within fourteen (14) days from receipt of the or of the product(s) by gram or transmission of proof of shipment of the product(s).

model withdrawal form to be returned by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt:

to the attention of le gramme 21 rue de marignan 75008 paris (france) / eshop@legramme.com :

I ____________ hereby notify you of my withdrawal from the contract relating to the sale of the property ____________ below:

ordered on: _______________ / received on ______________

name of consumer: __________________________

consumer address: _______________________

consumer signature:

date : ____________________________

download the form

11. lack of conformity and hidden defects of the products

the stipulations of this article are without prejudice to the right of withdrawal provided for in article x.

in accordance with the legal provisions in force, the products benefit from the legal guarantees of conformity provided for by articles l.211-4 et seq. of the consumer code and hidden defects provided for by articles 1641 et seq. of the civil code.

the customer benefits from a period of two (2) years from delivery of the products to act under the legal guarantee of conformity or in default of hidden defects.

the products will be returned, in accordance with the return procedure mentioned in article alleged), in their original packaging, accompanied by any accessories (except gift packaging) and a copy of the invoice.

if the return is accepted, the customer may request the repair or replacement of the product, or if these are impossible, the cancellation of the sale or a reduction in the sale price for products affected by hidden defects.

the return costs will be borne by the gramme which will send, after having been informed of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, to the customer the information allowing the return of the products.

12. responsibilities and guarantees

the customer is solely responsible for his account which allows him in particular to manage his orders, the personal data contained therein and his password.

the customer is entirely responsible for any payment incident. the customer guarantees the gram to be fully vested with the rights to pay for any order which he undertakes to honor in full.

le gram will not be responsible for:

  • any stock shortages likely to occur during an order;
  • the partial or total non-performance of its obligations or any delay in the performance thereof, if this non-performance or this delay was caused by the occurrence of unforeseeable, irresistible and external events or if this non-performance or poor performance is attributable to users or is the unforeseeable and insurmountable act of a third party;
  • difficulties linked to the internet network and difficulties linked to hosting and more generally any technical disruption likely to occur on the site.

the site may be interrupted for technical reasons without the responsibility of le gramme being able to be implemented in this respect.

if the liability of le gramme were to be incurred for any reason whatsoever, the maximum amount to which le gramme could be condemned may in no case exceed the amount of the order.

13. contact

for any request, le gramme can be contacted at: eshop@legramme.com or by telephone at +33 1 85 34 70 24.

14. intellectual property

the site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property law. the site is the exclusive property of the company le gramme.

any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the site, or any of its elements, on any medium whatsoever, for other purposes, including commercial purposes, is expressly prohibited.

le gram does not control the content, advertising, products or services available on or from sites linked to its site.

the products marketed by le gram constitute intellectual works protected by intellectual property law. the acquisition of a product does not confer on the customer any transfer or assignment of intellectual property rights.

15. account deletion

the customer can ask le gramme to delete their account by writing to eshop@legramme.com .

the deletion of the account will be effective two months after receipt of the request by le gramme and unless there is an order in progress.

the customer must collect the invoices for their orders before deleting their account.

16. force majeure

neither the customer nor the gram will be responsible for any failure or delay in performance caused by reasons beyond its control, such as fires, floods, epidemics, famines, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters or regulation or acts of any authority or civil or military act of any self-regulatory authority, wars, terrorism, riots, civil unrest, sabotage, theft or other criminal acts of third party.

17. final stipulations

17.1 the general terms and conditions, the confidentiality policy and the terms of the order constitute the entire agreement between users and le gramme.

the non-claim by the gram of one of the stipulations of the general conditions cannot be considered or interpreted as a waiver of its benefit.

if one or more stipulations of the T&Cs are declared invalid, the others will retain their full force and scope. in this case, the parties must, if possible, replace this canceled stipulation with a valid stipulation corresponding to the spirit and purpose of the general terms and conditions.

17.2 the General Terms and Conditions are governed by French law. the French version of the T&Cs takes precedence over any other version.

In the event of a dispute, the non-professional customer has the possibility of resorting to mediation or any other alternative dispute resolution method.

within the limits provided for by the law in force, any dispute as to the validity, interpretation or execution of the general conditions of sale will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the high court of Paris, including in the event of a warranty claim or plurality of defendants.

Users acknowledge having read and understood the T&Cs and hereby agree to be bound by them.